On Platform Engineering and DevOps
Some off-the-cuff thoughts after attending a platform webinar yesterday.
I've not heard a clear presentation on 'the platform engineering kool-aid' yet, so it was interesting to hear that yes, we continue to look for silver bullets. However, there were some insights to be taken from it.
Platform engineering has some concepts/principles that are useful to understand:
- Platform requires a certain level of organizational maturity (you are already doing pipelines and IaC)
- Both organizational and engineering vision-clarity (our value prop is stable, our market share is growing, we understand our JTBD better than ever)
- You need scale - while paradigms can be applied from day1, the dividends of platform are most obvious with, let's say, 50 engineers and up.
- API access to our 'platform' enables automation - i.e. design for programmatic access
However, DevOps was presented as 'baby's first platform' - you do pipelines, great - now grow up and do platform engineering. (my lasting impression, 24h later, anyways)
The juxtaposition of 'DevOps vs. Platform' or 'DevOps -> Platform' is silly, and is derived from the commoditization of philosophies. This commoditization panders to our inherent selfishness and laziness - silver bullets only, dear sir!
'DevOps Tooling' for example, is an atrocity against the whole point. Platform tooling, also, helps one escape from the point with the sunk-cost-fallacy confidence that a five- or six-figure purchase order gives you.
So, rather consider things from the 'why' perspective:
- DevOps reveals that you must view things systemically from a culture, a way of working, that is founded on informed continuous improvement of the right things.
- Platform reveals - as does SaaS in general - that scale requires clarity of purpose, commitment, and automation.
So it's incoherent to state these things are in opposition to one another, or superseded by one another. What could we say, then?
- The DevOps paradigm creates conditions for wildly better outcomes and sustainable change
- The platform paradigm creates clarity on how you solution your continuous improvement execution
Paradigms drive your day-to-day choices, so let's remember that understanding why you do a thing has more lasting value than actually doing the thing.
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