DFSR - eventid 4312 - replication just won't work
This warning isn't documented that well on the googles, so here's some google fodder:
- You are trying to set up replication for a DFS folder (no existing replication)
- Source server is 2008R2, 'branch office' server is 2012R2 (I'm moving all our infra to 2012R2)
- You have no issues getting replication configured
- You see the DFSR folders get created on the other end, but nothing stages
- Finally you get EventID 4312:
The DFS Replication service failed to get folder information when walking the file system on a journal wrap or loss recovery due to repeated sharing violations encountered on a folder. The service cannot replicate the folder and files in that folder until the sharing violation is resolved.
Additional Information:
Folder: F:\Users$\user.name\Desktop\Random Folder Name\
Replicated Folder Root: F:\Users$
File ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}-v0
Replicated Folder Name: Users
Replicated Folder ID: 33F0449D-5E67-4DA1-99AC-681B5BACC7E5
Replication Group Name: domain.com\dfs\users
Replication Group ID: E51C7DB4-0DEE-4D32-A95A-F850207E1C83
Member ID: 9FCE727C-96CC-445F-A500-E123AFC2632B
I made several incorrect assumptions here:
- That DFSR would continue walking the rest of the users folder
- That this was just a 'hey, heads-up dude' kind of message
- That replication was working at all
After deleting/recreating the RG a few times, ended up moving on and adding the rest of the folders - still nothing replicating!! Other things I tried:
- Restarting the server
- Changing the share names
- Triple checking ADSI object permissions, NTFS permissions, etc
I ended up creating some dummy DFS/DFSR test folders, and this kicked off replication for some reason - everything else started replicating no problem.
Except for users. So found more options for nuking DFSR!
- Stop DFSR on the source server
- On the drive in question, nuke the system volume information\DFSR folder (have to give yourself rights) rd DFSR /s /q
- Start DFSR again
The other way is to:
- Delete the RG (replication group)
- Stop DFSR on both servers
- Go into the target folders, from the cmd prompt nuke the dfsrprivate folders
- Nuke the system volume info\dfsr dirs on both servers
- Start DFSR on both servers
- Recreate the RG
Finally, to speed up this process:
- On the source server: dfsrdiag pollad
- On a DC of choosing: repadmin /syncall /d /e /P dc=domain,dc=com
- On the target server: dfsrdiag pollad
- On the source server: dfsrdiag pollad (not sure if needed, but hey)
Otherwise you're sitting waiting on site replication - 15 minutes. (tangent: why is 15m the lowest it can go?)
Anywho still nothing at this point, and I was still seeing that warning - so I nuked that folder (after backing it up), then did a full DFSR nuke/replace. Works now!
Also came across this handy DFSR design doc: http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/archive/2010/09/01/microsoft-s-support-statement-around-replicated-user-profile-data.aspx
I would further note that a lack of pre-seeding was also causing me problems. After following the MS doc (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn495044.aspx#BKMK_Step1UpdateRobocopy), I'm now seeing progress using this command: dfsrdiag backlog (w. options)