DFSR - eventid 4312 - replication just won't work

This warning isn't documented that well on the googles, so here's some google fodder:

  • You are trying to set up replication for a DFS folder (no existing replication)
  • Source server is 2008R2, 'branch office' server is 2012R2 (I'm moving all our infra to 2012R2)
  • You have no issues getting replication configured
  • You see the DFSR folders get created on the other end, but nothing stages
  • Finally you get EventID 4312:

The DFS Replication service failed to get folder information when walking the file system on a journal wrap or loss recovery due to repeated sharing violations encountered on a folder. The service cannot replicate the folder and files in that folder until the sharing violation is resolved. 
Additional Information: 
Folder: F:\Users$\user.name\Desktop\Random Folder Name\ 
Replicated Folder Root: F:\Users$ 
File ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}-v0 
Replicated Folder Name: Users 
Replicated Folder ID: 33F0449D-5E67-4DA1-99AC-681B5BACC7E5 
Replication Group Name: domain.com\dfs\users 
Replication Group ID: E51C7DB4-0DEE-4D32-A95A-F850207E1C83 
Member ID: 9FCE727C-96CC-445F-A500-E123AFC2632B

I made several incorrect assumptions here:
  1. That DFSR would continue walking the rest of the users folder
  2. That this was just a 'hey, heads-up dude' kind of message
  3. That replication was working at all
After deleting/recreating the RG a few times, ended up moving on and adding the rest of the folders - still nothing replicating!!  Other things I tried:
  1. Restarting the server
  2. Changing the share names
  3. Triple checking ADSI object permissions, NTFS permissions, etc
I ended up creating some dummy DFS/DFSR test folders, and this kicked off replication for some reason - everything else started replicating no problem.

Except for users.  So found more options for nuking DFSR!
  1. Stop DFSR on the source server
  2. On the drive in question, nuke the system volume information\DFSR folder (have to give yourself rights) rd DFSR /s /q
  3. Start DFSR again
The other way is to:
  1. Delete the RG (replication group)
  2. Stop DFSR on both servers
  3. Go into the target folders, from the cmd prompt nuke the dfsrprivate folders
  4. Nuke the system volume info\dfsr dirs on both servers
  5. Start DFSR on both servers
  6. Recreate the RG
Finally, to speed up this process:
  1. On the source server: dfsrdiag pollad
  2. On a DC of choosing: repadmin /syncall /d /e /P dc=domain,dc=com
  3. On the target server: dfsrdiag pollad
  4. On the source server: dfsrdiag pollad (not sure if needed, but hey)
Otherwise you're sitting waiting on site replication - 15 minutes.  (tangent: why is 15m the lowest it can go?)

Anywho still nothing at this point, and I was still seeing that warning - so I nuked that folder (after backing it up), then did a full DFSR nuke/replace.  Works now!

Also came across this handy DFSR design doc: http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/archive/2010/09/01/microsoft-s-support-statement-around-replicated-user-profile-data.aspx


  1. I would further note that a lack of pre-seeding was also causing me problems. After following the MS doc (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn495044.aspx#BKMK_Step1UpdateRobocopy), I'm now seeing progress using this command: dfsrdiag backlog (w. options)


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