VirtualBox guest running IIS and supplying code via vBox sharedFolder
Update: I would note that we ultimately abandoned this process in favour of running a copy task inside the VM. To start we're using "robocopy dir1 dir2 /MIR /MT:8 /XD .vs" running every minute, but eventually we'll do something w. NTFS filesystem triggers. ------------------------------------ You might have ended up with an error like this: Filename: \\?\C:\path\web.config Error: Cannot read configuration file This is because IIS doesn't like the fact that it's attempting to access something that's been symlinked (IIRC, check google for specifics). So, we need to trick it!! I do not take credit for this, just posting up a script that should help. This guy pointed me/others in the right direction: I would note that we use an array for the IIS stuff because re-using code from other scripts is fun (bad practice, too!). It was the fastest way for me