2019 is full of opportunities to contribute

This was a 'lightning talk' I gave at our kickoff this year.  If it reads like a speech...that's because it kind of is one.  :) 

2019 will be full of opportunities for you to contribute.

Every hour, day, week, month. Every success, failure, achievement, frustration. Every meeting, call, conversation, chat.

Every interaction you will have is an opportunity - a chance for you to choose what you will contribute. I ask you - what will you contribute today?

Will it be shared purpose? Trust? Community? Understanding?

In every interaction with those around you, I challenge you to test yourself, your intentions, by asking these questions…
  • Am I willing to learn?
  • Am I willing to be influenced?
Cultivate a fierce humility within yourself by keeping these questions top of mind wherever you go, with whomever you talk to, in whatever emotional state. Remember these questions, that you would remain grounded and centered in the realization that together we are more than the sum of our parts - but creating and sustaining this complexity requires humble mindsets.
  • Am I willing to learn?
  • Am I willing to be influenced?
This means, practically, that you must be in the right state of mind before you interact with someone. Set aside the passion of what you are advocating for a moment, and consider how you can honestly inquire of your colleague to best understand them. Admit that you can learn, and they have something to teach!
  • Am I willing to learn?
  • Am I willing to be influenced?
Perhaps you are someone who, right now, is internally disagreeing with me, or thinking I am wrong. Consider what caused you to have this reaction, why you are thinking this way, how this reaction comes up elsewhere in life. Honestly ask yourself:
  • Am I willing to learn?
  • Am I willing to be influenced?
Are you teachable? Are you receptive to change? Only you can challenge your inner thoughts, change your paradigms, how you see the world, and pause your assumptions. And so I would encourage you to learn of yourself what you must do to follow through on this.

If you are willing to learn, make a disciplined effort to apply these questions to every interaction. If you are willing to be influenced, seek to master the ability to humbly interact with those around you, and make this your contribution for 2019.


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