SonarQube & TeamCity & RDS
Our environment
Some key points to getting things actually running...
TeamCity config
SonarQube Server connection
Will update this with correct params once we figure it this point it's scanning, but scanning even 3rd party stuff that we are ok with excluding.
I also want to figure out the dotCover integration bit, but not sure if that's a thing yet.
- All-AWS
- Mysql RDS for DB
- Running the sonar java app off our Linux Teamcity server on port 9000 (as a service)
- Teamcity agents are Windows boxes w. (cinst -y JDK8)
- Active Directory on 2012R2
- Sonar 6.2 (probably a bad idea)
Some key points to getting things actually running...
- Create a new parameter group in RDS that matches your RDS instance type (e.g. mysql 5.6)
- Set these params (because trial and error is fun with a 1GB repo scan)
- max_allowed_packet: 32768000
- innodb_log_file_size: 1024217728
- I also set some stuff via MySQL Workbench as per their documentation (collation stuff)
- USE sonar;
Was so pleased that after hours of googling, found something that 'just worked'...I wish I'd saved the link with this. It was a StackOverflow result, of course. Tried 2-3 that did not work...
This config is obviously wide-open, but only accessible via our VPN, so acceptable for now.
################################### ################################### # LDAP configuration # General Configuration ldap.realm=domain.production ldap.url=ldap://DC.IP.AD.RS:389 ldap.bindDn=CN=Your LDAP Service Account,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=production ldap.bindPassword=passwordHere
# User Configuration ldap.user.baseDn=CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=production ldap.user.request=(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName={login})) ldap.user.realNameAttribute=cn ldap.user.emailAttribute=mail
# Group Configuration Users,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=production
TeamCity config
SonarQube Server connection
- URL: http//
- Login: sonar (service account in AD - using the admin account I made this account also an admin - not sure if required)
- Password: the service account's password
- JDBC URL: the RDS DB connection string
- Username/pass: the RDS DB connection creds
Sonar Scanner build step
This is where I fell down...
- Sources location: Set a list of dirs, but couldn't get this still scanned every dir
- Additional parameters: -e (error reporting verbosity)
Will update this with correct params once we figure it this point it's scanning, but scanning even 3rd party stuff that we are ok with excluding.
I also want to figure out the dotCover integration bit, but not sure if that's a thing yet.
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