Smokeping - monitoring HTTPS with Echoping

It uses Echoping, but not the standard build you can get from yum.  You have to build it using the '--with-ssl' switch (double-hyphen before 'with'):  ./configure --with-ssl

Download the latest from SourceForge or wherever, un-tar, cd into that dir.

  • wget

I am running a basic server installation of CentOS6.4, I've only installed Nagios and Smokeping (and their dependencies).  The configure script also required the following packages installed via yum:

  • openssl-devel.x86_64
  • openssl.x86_64
  • libidn-devel.x86_64
  • libidn.x86_64
  • popt-devel.x86_64
For those unaware, Smokeping has the native ability to utilize Echoping, but requires the binary at /usr/bin/echoping.  If you've already installed Echoping, just build as above and copy the new binary in.

Otherwise when you run something like below, you get:

[user@server1 echoping-6.0.2]# echoping -C -v -h /
echoping: not compiled with SSL/TLS support.

For your Smokeping config, you'll need the probe and target settings like so:
  • + EchoPingHttps
    • binary = /usr/bin/echoping
    • forks = 5
    • step = 300
    • port = 443
    • url = /
  • Under *** Targets *** ...
    • Leave the default probe as FPing
    • ++ sitename
    • host =
    • probe = EchoPingHttps
    • url = /virtDirHere/virtDirHere
If you see 301 errors because you're using redirection, add this to the Target:
  • accept_redirects = yes

That's it! 


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