Miata: Parts are in!

Well, some of them, anyway.  Still waiting on all the phone bits, plugs/wires, and of course still have to order another Rosenthal chunk, Flyin Miata parts, and Moss Motors parts.  Yes, it's costing more than we'd expected...but darn it if the car won't drive like new when I'm done, should be good mechanically for the next 10-20 years.  :)  50k until I do timing belt (a little early, but will reset the maintenance cycle).  So 2-3 years.

The list is hooge, so I'll just post pics, cuz everyone loves pics.  Not pictured are the KYB shocks...I'm sure they'll crop up in the suspension post.

Rosenthal parts!
Quite impressed they got here so soon...I think less than 2 weeks from 'click to order' to pick up at the post office.  Definitely saved some dough, even after the import/shipping charges.  If nothing else, I saved a ton of time with their MOST EXCELLENT website:  http://parts.arlingtonmazda.com/

Shifter refresh kit
Rosenthal Mazda has a number of these pre-packaged kits.  I also got their water hose refresh kit (9 hoses).  Will be getting their Teflon roller kit for the windows as well (seeing as how they only roll down half-way).

Moar parts.
I believe I still need more injector bits - just got 4 o-rings and 4 bushing thingies.  I think more o-rings required...more research, anyway.

Fat Cat Motorsports!!
Bumpstop kit - 58mm.  Even comes with a handwritten note thanking me for my purchase...THAT is customer service.  Very impressed.  I think this is the most anticipated part of the whole refresh project...but the proof is in the pudding, as they say.  A number of very positive reviews on miata.net and elsewhere.

The child in me is wishing I'd gotten the sportier set, and RED shock boots.  :)  The person who has to commute several hours a day in traffic is glad he didn't listen and got the 'comfort' suspension pack.

Their articles on suspension systems are very interesting:  http://www.fatcatmotorsports.com/

$92 Amazon.com radiator


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