VCP410 - take two

Well, misreading a forum post led me to book my VCP410 re-take for end of February - around the same time big things are happening.  So Lord-willing I'll pass it this time.  I have already begun studying in earnest, but definitely need to put effort into it.

A number of people I've spoken to have said the '410 is focused on min/maxes, and after taking it  last spring, I'm inclined to agree.  Memorization has never come easily to me, so I'll really have to put all the spare time I have into this.  I had tried to go on working experience and book knowledge and got a 221 - pass is 300/400 - rather embarrassing.  Now, to be fair, I did not study at all, nor do any of the recommended lab exercises, so that probably didn't help.  Now, why did I wait so long to do a re-take?  The aforementioned 'big thing' and rebuilding our garage over the summer.

I've been speaking to my employer about potentially taking the VCP5 course/exam, but would not be surprised if they turn me down.  Last year I had to pay for the course first, then after seeing that I'd already paid for it tried to (and got) me some restitution (2/3s of the course).  Finances this year won't cover even the extra exam, so it's up to our Provider, now.

Not to mention I have yet to even look at vSphere 5, so I have lots of time!

Key areas I need to focus on are...well frankly just about everything.  I really should look into v3 to v4 upgrades/licensing as well (actually doing, not just reading).  Also need to really memorize the min/max PDF, and truly understand/memorize the FC/iSCSI pathing stuff.


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