First steps for the new lab

First task is to install a Wiki server to hold my documentation.  It will probably end up here as a 2nd page or something.

I will need to start making choices soon about when to blow away the old domain as I need the name.

The wiki is up, and the first two pieces of documentation are done - MediaWiki 1.17 install and config and CentOS 6 install/config.

Ew...formatting...definitely have to do something soon.

1.       Create new VM,

a.       Do not set an installer (it auto-installs the GUI)

b.      Give disk as 20GB, single file.

                                                               i.      Note that logging will eventually all flow to the syslog server, so no need for a huge amount of space.

c.       Assign an IP and document in the spreadsheet.

d.      Choose the ‘basic server’ spec.

2.       Set up VMware tools

a.       Mount /dev/ /mnt

b.      Copy the vmware-tools file into /tmp

c.       Un-tar it

d.      Run the .pl file - default install stuff.

3.       Configure the networking

a.       Change the DNS if necessary.

b.      Set onboot to yes.

c.       ifup etho

4.       Set up the RPMforge repo.

5.       Set up the user

a.       Adduser chris

b.      Passwd chris

c.       Vi /etc/group

                                                               i.      Add chris to sshd and wheel

d.      Visudo
                                                               i.      Uncomment wheel – all

 MediaWiki installation/configuration

2.       Yum –y install php mysql-server httpd php-mysql

3.       Change the httpd.conf file (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf)

a.       Point the root dir to /srv/mediawiki/mediawiki-1.17.0

4.       setenforce = 0

5.       stop iptables

6.       Connect to the server/index.php and run through the media

7.       Save the LocalSettings.php file into the root dir.


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