Lab - SAN options part 3
I've realized that the last two entries on this don't really explain what I need and why. So here goes.
The next few years I will be heavily dependent on having a lab at home for study purposes, 'just messing about', and for my part-time work.
Thus, while I now have hosts for virtual machines, handling the RAM, CPU, NIC duties, I now need some back-end block-level storage (NFS can be done in a VM).
Requirements step is to find out if the VSA can see an FC HBA and put it to use. If that is possible, there is absolutely no reason why I should go with anything other than VSAs. However, I may decide to go with a dedicated VSA box - none of my boards have PCI-X, and all the HBAs I'd be looking at would require PCI-X.
The next few years I will be heavily dependent on having a lab at home for study purposes, 'just messing about', and for my part-time work.
Thus, while I now have hosts for virtual machines, handling the RAM, CPU, NIC duties, I now need some back-end block-level storage (NFS can be done in a VM).
- Decent IOPS & throughput
- iSCSI connectivity with MPIO being a 'nice-to-have'
- Allowing for separation between 'sites/datacenters'
- 250/500/1000GB of space (min/ok/max)
- Resilience of some manner to disk failure
- Cost no more than $2500 all-in
- Be reasonably power-efficient
- MPIO would be nice as it is a common thing requiring advanced configuration in ESX deployments, it would also speed things up quite a bit.
- iSCSI connectivity is mandatory, as FC would cost way too much (yes I just spent the last 20 minutes researching 'or is it...?' and will*).
- I am most likely asking for the impossible...or what I really want is a SAN. step is to find out if the VSA can see an FC HBA and put it to use. If that is possible, there is absolutely no reason why I should go with anything other than VSAs. However, I may decide to go with a dedicated VSA box - none of my boards have PCI-X, and all the HBAs I'd be looking at would require PCI-X.
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