Exchange/Outlook synchronization errors

I shut down our ESX hosts last night, and after the EqualLogic debacle, I powered everything back up. Exchange came up, but refused to send emails properly. I couldn't receive any emails at all, and sending them to my gmail account gave this:

Please note that a critical failure occurred on the sender's messaging system at the virus scanning stage.

The sender should be notified and reference made to this tracking number: src53_failed_f7e789cd-9a1a-


GFI Content Security.

While a very polite message, it failed to mention that GFI also does not provide technical support outside of business hours. They will not be renewed if that continues to be the case.

With that, I googled, and checked out their Kbase - nothing. I tried stopping all the GFI services, nothing. Tried restarting the Information Store - nothing. Tried deleting my Outlook profile - nothing. Tried logging in on another computer and setting up a new profile - nothing.

I downloaded the latest version of MailEssentials and MailSecurity (I was already on the latest for both), and uninstalled/reinstalled both.

Rebooted Exchange - and everything worked again!!! Stupid. Took up another two hours to troubleshoot and fix that issue - ended up leaving at 3:15am.


  1. Saw this myself and i believe it has to do with the Antivirus Scanning Engines within GFI. I disabled them within MailSecurity which disabled Information Store Protection, then i manually re-enabled each.

    Problem went away.

  2. This is incredible. I have run into the same problem on our Exchange server. I can't even access MailSecurity but it must be running in the middle, because I receive the same kind of notifications. This is extremely frustrating, I am not a satisfied customer.

  3. Thanks to Aaron I focused on the Antivirus Engines. For some reason our GFI MS had enabled some antivirus engines we didn't had licence to. When I disabled these everything worked fine.


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