On Platform Engineering and DevOps
Some off-the-cuff thoughts after attending a platform webinar yesterday. I've not heard a clear presentation on 'the platform engineering kool-aid' yet, so it was interesting to hear that yes, we continue to look for silver bullets. However, there were some insights to be taken from it. Platform engineering has some concepts/principles that are useful to understand: Platform requires a certain level of organizational maturity ( you are already doing pipelines and IaC ) Both organizational and engineering vision-clarity ( our value prop is stable, our market share is growing, we understand our JTBD better than ever ) You need scale - while paradigms can be applied from day1, the dividends of platform are most obvious with, let's say, 50 engineers and up. API access to our 'platform' enables automation - i.e. design for programmatic access However, DevOps was presented as 'baby's first platform' - you do pipelines, great - now grow up and do platform ...