SonarQube & TeamCity & RDS
Our environment All-AWS Mysql RDS for DB Running the sonar java app off our Linux Teamcity server on port 9000 (as a service) Teamcity agents are Windows boxes w. (cinst -y JDK8) Active Directory on 2012R2 Sonar 6.2 (probably a bad idea) Some key points to getting things actually running... RDS Create a new parameter group in RDS that matches your RDS instance type (e.g. mysql 5.6) Set these params ( because trial and error is fun with a 1GB repo scan ) max_allowed_packet: 32768000 innodb_log_file_size: 1024217728 I also set some stuff via MySQL Workbench as per their documentation (collation stuff) USE sonar; ALTER DATABASE sonar CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; LDAP Was so pleased that after hours of googling, found something that 'just worked'...I wish I'd saved the link with this. It was a StackOverflow result, of course. Tried 2-3 that did not work... This config is obviously wide-open, but only accessible via our VPN, so accepta...